How it Works?

Define Your Schema

Determine the fields and structure of your content and what is important for you!

Choose from a variety of field types, including string, number, date, date-time, color, file, boolean.

For rich text content, choose from markdown, html, or rich-text editor.

Create relationships between schemas, using the reference field type and create enums, which are a set of predefined values that you can choose from.

Create Content

Create content entries based on your schemas and add the content you want!

Upload and manage your assets and media files

Use our rich text editor to create rich content, or use markdown or html.

Use our AI to help you create content - saving you time and money! The AI assistant knows all your previous content, and can help you create new content based on your unique brand.

Asset Management

Upload and manage your assets and media files in our gallery!

All your assets are stored in our CDN, and are automatically optimized for performance.

Integrate Anywhere

Integrate your content anywhere you want using our graphql API - CDN included!

Use our CDN to serve your content anywhere in the world, with automatic caching and performance optimizations.

You can use our graphql API to integrate your content anywhere you want - including your website, mobile app, or any other application.

Use our API playground to test your queries, including auto-complete, documentation, support for orderBy, filter, locales, and more!

You can use our AI assistant to help you create the queries you need - or better yet, create full code snippets for you!

AI Everywhere

Leverage our AI to help you in each step of the way - saving you time and money!

The AI assistant knows all your previous content, and can help you create new content based on your unique brand.

The AI assistant can help you create queries for your content, and can even create full code snippets for you.

Just ask it anything you need about Maple CMS, or about your project!

Extra Features Available

  • CDN

    All your content is cached via a CDN, and served from the closest location to your users.

  • Encryption

    All your content is encrypted at rest and in transit.

  • Backups

    All your content is backed up automatically.

  • GDPR

    We are GDPR compliant.

  • Localization

    Its got you covered!

  • Teams
    Invite you're team members to collaborate on your content. We support the following roles:
    • VIEWER - Can view all project data, but cannot edit or delete anything
    • AUTHOR - Can view and edit content, but cannot delete anything
    • EDITOR - Can view, edit and delete content
    • ENGINEER - Can view, edit and delete content, and can also edit the schema
    • ADMIN - Can view, edit and delete content, and can also edit the schema, billing and team members